Source code for aspros

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

# Packages may add whatever they like to this file, but
# should keep this content at the top.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from ._astropy_init import *   # noqa
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Enforce Python version check during package import.
# This is the same check as the one at the top of
import sys
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

__minimum_python_version__ = "3.5"

# __all__ = []

[docs]class UnsupportedPythonError(Exception): pass
if LooseVersion(sys.version) < LooseVersion(__minimum_python_version__): raise UnsupportedPythonError("aspros does not support Python < {}" .format(__minimum_python_version__)) if not _ASTROPY_SETUP_: # noqa # For egg_info test builds to pass, put package imports here. from .lightcurve import * # noqa from .cheops import * # noqa from .transits import * # noqa from .blsutils import * # noqa